Jakub Šafránek

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Act as if.

If you can't make it, fake it.

No matter what you do, if you begin or you are trying to master something, act as if. If you were trying to be a great golfer,watch great golfers carefully and do what they do. Do they train more than you do? Do it. Do they play differently? Ask them how they do it and act as if you were them. Do they wear different clothes? Act as if, wear the same clothes. It's a psychological effect called liking that will help you make friends with more golfers (you can find more at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Cialdini ), people like people that look similar to them. If you look like a golfer, practice the same way the same time, wear the same clothes, talk with the same people, you will become a great golfer.

Don't wait until you have a great job with some sound title. You can act as if you were the CEO of a big company and you can practice humbleness, organisation and preparation. Don't wait for anything you can do or start right now. Do you think you are a great speaker? Act as if, ask where you can to get a speech. Prepare speeches in advance, blog about speaking, write arcicles, go and speak as much as you can. Speak for free in the beginning, then you can collect reference and when you have credibility, you can start speaking for charge. Don't wait. Opportunities go to the prepared.

Act as if.