Finding the one vs. being the one

I have to admit, this is my favorite difference in work attitude you can find everywhere. Basically, there are two kinds of people - those who are constantly looking for someone to do do the work, and those, who do the work.

The first type ("Who can do this?" type) is the always busy one. She is constantly busy, always on the phone, email and her calendar is filled with appointments, meetings and reviews. She has mastered the skill of delegation. Not because there is a better work for her to do, but because looking for others who do the work is her job.

When alight bulb burns out, she finds the handyman. When a program needs to be fixed, she calls the programmer. When a printer is out of paper, she emails the office manager.

The second type, the doer ("I can do it." type) is also busy. He is busy with his own work and when he finds something that must be done, he is willing to do it no matter what needs to be done. Secretary is not present - he will make a cup of coffee for a customer (he might not do it often, but when it's important, no problem with that). When a program needs to be fixed, he tries to fix it.  When a printer is out of paper, he handles it,. 

The first one is the master of ultimate delegation doing nothing really, the second one is the doer. 

My advice is - unless you are the CEO, be the doer. Do the work and get better. Repeat.

When will be the right time?

Sometimes we just wait for assurance. A few thoughts on when we think it will be the right time:

  • When they say you can't fail.
  • When you wait until she says you can kiss her.
  • When they say that you business plan is viable.
  • When he says that you can do something crazy together.
  • When they say everything will be ok.
  • When you are experienced, well educated and you have natural talent too.
  • When all your things are organized.
  • When she says you will be amazing and you will make it.
  • When they say it sure, guaranteed and tested.

So much time wasted waiting for the perfect time. Leap of faith is leap of faith, not leap of assurance, guarantee and no one is really sure if everything will be ok.

No, everything is not going to be ok. You will fail. You will make mistakes. But you will learn, grow and make better mistakes and then better results.

Tomorrow (usually) means never. So when will be the right time? The time is now, no guarantee.

Push yourself (or let others push you)

Recently several people helped me to come out of my comfort zone (thank you Kara, Míša, Petr, Jakub and Jan). It's easy to read articles about "going out of the comfort zone", however it's also easy to do nothing about it. 

Push yourself, or let others push you.

Meeting a new person or spending time with somebody from a totally different culture can help you open your eyes and enter a new world. You can visit new places you have never ever visited before or would never visit before (like me being to a gym yesterday). But here comes a choice.

You can either spend time with this new person and live the way you used to live or you can say "show me your world, your friends, the way you live". If you make the second choice, you learn, you explore and your view really widens. The choice is yours. 

Will you push yourself or let others push you? 

// After realizing it would be great if also my friends from abroad could understand articles here I wrote this article in English, hope there will be more to come in future.